CSR : Corporate Social Responsibility (RRD Initiative) - 4th September 2010
It has been almost a month since my last posting, and so much has happened that quite simply, time flies. Right after our Merdeka Day event (the Bungy Jump challange), we had another event the following week for 4 orphans from SUNBEAM and RACTAR in lieu with our CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) initiative. To kick start this initiative, we contacted 2 orphanage and held a simple competition to the orphans, and 4 lucky orphans were chosen to experience our RedRibbon Days KL City Sky Tour. Having met this kids personally, literally changed my opinion about life - and to what extend do we measure from one another. Being compared to these kids, I'm way luckier and fortunate. These kids has never been up close and personal near a plane what more being on one.
Here are some pics taken on the day :-
Open for Business - RedRibbon Days with Freda Liu (BFM 89.9) - 21st September 2010
When Katja from BFM contacted RedRibbon Days in regards to an interview slot on BFM - Open for Business, I was thrilled. Firstly, I have always been an ardent listener of the radio station, and yes, I've always tuned in to Freda. I was nervous, unsure of what is going to be asked on air - and certainly the thought of my voice live on the radio kinda freaks me out ! Anyways, the day came and I marched up to the radio station. I was brought to Freda - and her comforting voice and genuine smile put me at ease and eventually calms me down. The butterflies were still fluttering in the stomach but it was manageable.
I chat with Freda for couple minutes before we went on air - and in that few minutes, I felt like she's a friend from the past. An old school mate or someone I have met before. Even Freda herself mentioned that I looked awfully familiar - but she can't remember where we could have met. The interview went well, and the 10 minutes was over in a breeze. I flipped a little, fumbled for some words, but all in all, it was a good experience.
Here's the link to the interview:-
And here's two pic I took with Freda in her studio :-

IDEA Forum @ Sunway University - 23rd September 2010
Next up, I was invited to be one of the speaker for a forum held in Sunway University in lieu with 1Malaysia - Entrepreneur Week. It was my very first time as a speaker - especially one that geared towards being an entrepreneur and tips of how to be one! It was a nerve-wrecking moment for me, of course. I had no time to prepare for anything, so the day before the event, I kinda quickly put everything in a word document and PRINT. I thought it should be fine now that I have a hard copy on my hands. But I was wrong !! I was shocked to find out that the other three speakers were so well prepared that they do not even need a piece of paper on hand. And one of them even said, well, thats what entrepreneurs are all about - you just wing it ! Gulp! So I am NOT an entrepreneur now that I have a piece of paper on my hand? Geez..I'm just trying to be prepared and I need to make sure I'm sharing substantial stuff with everyone present and not just utter rubbish!
Well, as usual, since I'm not that much of a speaker nor am I born to be one, I endeavour to share as much as I can on my entrepreneur journey. I shared everything that I know with everyone present that day. And at the end of it, though my speech was not as entertaining as the other speakers (mine surely did not attract much laughter), I sure hope I did impart some valuable lessons to the students. I may not inspire all, but I hope at least 1 or 2.
All in all, it was a good experience. I met few interesting people that day, learnt few new tips from the other speakers and definitely honed my public speaking skills!
Here's a picture of me with the other speakers:-
And a plaque (pic below) that was given to me towards the end of the forum as a token of appreciation. Hmm....perhaps, they should start giving out experience vouchers instead of a plaque?

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