So hastily we released the competition and crossing our fingers that Malaysians would be brave courageous enough to do this experience. To align it with our Merdeka Day, interested parties were invited to write in a simple sentence on why they deserve to win this experience in lieu with the special day. Many interesting answers came in, however we were only allowed to pick 3 lucky winners.
After much deliberation, 3 lucky winners were picked out and the best answer goes to Reuben Rethinalingam :-
"Though its a working day tommrow it doesn’t stop me from giving this challenge a shoot to overcome one of my greatest fear which I still haven’t been able to conqeur apart of my other fear which is, SEA WATER.
I personaly think I should be given a chance to experince this challenge of bungee jump to break free myself and getting me to conqeur my fear of hights. Its makes it more signifact in conjuction with Merdeka Day as it perfectly resembles of me being able to MERDEKA myself from my fear and how I’m able to rule my own fear like how Malaysia fought for its independence and now is able to rule its own country and not being a slave to others. It’s 53 years we have got the independce and I think its time for me to get my indepence of overcoming my fear of 27 years."
On the fateful morning of 27th August, the three lucky winners were gathered at the location and were all geared up for the jump. The weather was perfect, scorching sun and no sight of possible rain or thunderstorm. Nik and Ming Nu was sent to location to capture each and every jump, to interview the winners and of course to be part of the experience.
Here's some pictures taken on that day :-
In orange : Wei (one of the winner), Rueben (in stripe red and white) and Donna
The winners are grouped together to fill in an indemnity form, briefed on safety and etc, donned on the Malaysia flag around their shoulder and waited patiently for the moment. Reuben was the first to do the jump, after all he has the best answer. It was all dandy for Rueben until the moment came for him. His fear of heights finally took over him and he was hesitant about jumping (for at least 5 minutes). After calming himself down, Rueben finally set his fear aside and plunge! It was such an exhilarating moment seeing him shouting hysterically and triumphantly with our Malaysia flag.
The terrifying moment was finally over for Rueben and Wei was lined up next. Without much hesitation, Wei took the plunge shouting "This is for Malaysia!". It was a beautiful dive and was over within minutes. Donna, the only female winner in the competition took the challenge with a pinch of salt. She even requested for her head to be dipped into the water !
So now that all the winners had experienced this experience, I know it will be my turn soon. I have no fear of heights, in fact, I love flying fox and high ropes. Perhaps, this will be the experience for me on my upcoming birthday?
Though a bit late, but hey, its better late than never, right? So to Malaysia - Happy National Day/ Happy Merdeka Day !
Here's a video clip taken on the day - enjoy !
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