Friday, March 19, 2010

Job Relationship vs Love Relationship

I'm extremely compelled to elaborate further on my earlier posting today. I was talking to another friend who was down in the slump in his relationship (well, I suspect the gf is cheating on him with another while still stringing him along). Anyways, it just suddenly occur to me the similarity of how if one is going seeking for employment (while still under the employment of another) is the same as someone being in a relationship, but seeking a potential new relationship at the same time). In both situation, it is called cheating or some people like to call it - stepping on two boats.

I can't help but to wonder if that is the case for most people. When someone is not happy in a relationship or not happy in their job, they tend to look for greener pasture (i.e. better partner to date, better job ; so it seems) - but in the meantime, they will not let go of their current attachment. They will string it along until the better someone or better job comes along. Then they will kiss the old partner or old job - adios! Without the slightest feeling of remorse.

So will you cheat on your partner ? If you won't cheat on your partner, so why would you cheat on your employer ? Don't forget employers can cheat on you too - employers will string employee along until they find a better employee and then they just kiss off. Because a wise man once told me, "no one is indispensable". And I had to agree.


  1. funny you see the similarities between job and love relationships. i've never viewed them like that but i see where you are coming from.

  2. what will you do if you know that your partner is cheating on you? I dont believe in staying in a relationship when one party is not happy - there will be arguements, disagreements, a lot of dissatisfaction. I will just end the relationship. What will you do when you know your employee us actively seeking for jobs? I will do the same. I will actively get a replacement. I suggest you should start looking for replacement. I know employees have to give 1-2 months notice if they quit but during that time, they will not have the mood to work hard anymore. So, put an advertisement up. you will be surprised if your replacement is better than the current employee.

  3. Ming Ne & Nik,

    Well, then again, there's always benefit of a doubt. And I like to instil that thought into most of my decision making.
