I arrived nice and early and was shown around the hangar area - and get a glimpse of many private planes and jets of the rich and famous. I signed a disclaimer form, and was given a 15 minutes briefing by the Pilot of the day, Captain Dylan. He showed me the plane that we will be flying in, (a Cessna model) the mechanics of the plane and many other interesting parts of the plane that contributed to a plane's flying mechanism. I sat myself inside the plane and playfully manoeuvre the wheel! There were so many buttons and controls on the plane that I was beginning to get confuse.
The plane that flew with us on that day was a 2-seater model. It was small and almost looked like a toy-plane from afar. By now, I was starting to feel a bit "chickeny" - (def : chicken out ; back out at the last minute). It was after all my first flying experience - and it was only normal for me to feel - nervous. When Captain Dylan told me we are ready to fly, I quickly buckled up my seat belts and put on the head set. The engine started up - which startled me slightly and put me back to the reality. The engine came to a full force and just like a normal commercial plane, the Captain manoeuvre the plane to the take off area. He allowed me to take control of the plane this very instance - simply by keeping the wheel straight and follow the yellow line on the tarmac. It was fun! After few minutes on the wheel, instructions came in from tower control asking us to standby for take-off. For a minute or so, butterflies started fluttering around ferociously in my stomach. I swallowed my saliva so hard that I could literally hear it - to keep me from being nervous or paranoid. Gulp*
In less than 2 minutes after the tower gave us the green light to take off - the plane took off without much effort. The plane started climbing up and as usual, I was busy snapping away ! We went up above 1000 feet and after much communication between the tower and the pilot - the pilot turned to me and asked me to take control of the wheel. Without much hesitation, I put my hands on the wheel and start manoeuvring the plane. The wheel was so sensitive that it reacts to the slightest motion command. For a good few minutes, I had the vision of me in an immaculate pilot suit - the 4 stripes on my shoulder and sleeves. What a wonderful feeling that was !
The best part for me was when tower control gave instructions for us to stay longer on that level as there are some commercial planes flying past above us. To the pilot it wasn't much of a good news - as now he can't land the plane as planned. Having extra time on air, Captain Dylan decided to pull some stunts without giving me any warning beforehand. He suddenly plunged the plane and I felt my heart dropped and sudden pressure to my ear and I almost felt my head popping out from where they were! I knew this sounded insane - but I actually enjoyed that feeling. Seeing that I'm quite a dare-devil, Captain Dylan decided to pull out the other hidden stunts he has under his sleeves. He manoeuvred the plane so hard to the left and then to the right that it almost felt like a roller coaster ride! Captain Dylan normally doesn't do this to other customers - so he said. He only did it to me because of who I am- and he believes the Founder and CEO of RedRibbon Days should get a different treatment ; the challenge and experience should be heighten with hint of madness!
Thanks Captain - but I truly enjoyed the experience despite your best effort to see me go green.
After flying around for a good whole 20 minutes, the tower finally gave us clearance to start descending in preparation for landing. Once again, I was given the power to control the wheel to descend the plane. It was so much fun and I was so disappointed when I had to let the pilot take over the wheel as we are now ready to land the plane. The plane landed without a glitch and effortlessly. By now, my hands are eagerly waiting on the wheel and I can't wait to manoeuvre the plane to the parking bay.
I enjoyed the experience tremendously - and was extremely pleased with myself for doing it. It is definitely an experience not to be missed and an experience that everyone must experienced at least once in their lifetime. And after doing this experience, I know for sure, it will be the best and perfect gift for that someone special in your life.
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